Our aim is to foster and develop the skills to learn, grow and succeed in the 21st century.
Please find the 2025 CHS Stationery Lists below. CHS will provide your child with several stationery items in a pack on Day 1, Term 1. These items are part of the Materials and Services Fee. These are itemised in attached lists. There is then a list of recommended stationery items for you to purchase for the relevant Subjects and Year Levels.
Will be open 16th-20th December for 2025 purchasing. Our Business Manager Heather Guthrie will then return to school from Monday 20th January for all Uniform purchases, School Fee payment and calculator/safety glasses sales. She can be contacted directly by emailing heather.guthrie514@schools.sa.edu.au
In 2025 we are once again supporting students and families with stationery if required. These donated items will be available for families to come in and collect free of charge from Wednesday 22nd January or when your child returns to school in Week 1 from our Wellbeing Centre. If you are able to donate any workbooks, A4 Display Folders with clear sleeves or stationery please drop these to Student Services.
In 2025 we will have a staggered start with our Year 7, 12, Disability Unit and any new Year 8-11 students returning on Tuesday 28th January. Our remaining students, including Special Options, will join us on Wednesday 29th January.
Our Year 7 students will meet on Tuesday at 8:50am in the Gym. Our Year 12 students will meet in the Wellbeing Centre. Disability Unit students will meet in the Disability Unit. New students will meet in Student Services.
We will have our first Assembly from 8:50am for all students in the Gym. From here students will move into their Year Level groups and then Roll Classes. House Meetings will occur prior to Recess.
Please mark Monday 10th February (Week 3) on your calendar. In 2025 we will once again offer one big evening for the whole school, with the opportunity for parents to meet Roll Class teachers, Learning Area Coordinators, Year Level Coordinators, Wellbeing Support, Learning Support, Senior Leaders and Governing Council all on this night. Heather Guthrie will also be present on this night to support families to apply for School Card online. The benefits include support for Camps and Excursions in Semester 1. More details of evening to follow in Week 1.
Our 2025 CHS Swimming Carnival will be held on Friday 7th February (Week 2). This will be a day carnival.
Mark Monday, 17th February at 6pm (Week 4) in your diary for our CHS Governing Council AGM.
Kylie Alozie (Timetable) Kylie.Alozie276@schools.sa.edu.au and I (Roll Classes) Katie.Liebelt326@schools.sa.edu.au will be available at school to meet or via email and Daymap from Tuesday 21st January in the week prior to school returning to support any individual student or parent queries.
Please see below 2025 Uniform Pricelist.
Over the past five years we have organised a program to support students and families in need with second-hand uniforms and support. Our amazing CHS families and local community donors provide money and uniform donations for students to access. If you would like some confidential support, please contact me at any time at katie.liebelt326@schools.sa.edu.au and I will be able to arrange for uniforms/support for your child. If you have any uniforms, navy shorts, navy pants, or sandshoes your family has outgrown please feel free to donate them to Student Services.
For the 2025 school year there will be no sessions held with parents and no requirement for parents to book a session to have their child’s laptop/device configured. Instead, parents should keep an eye out for an email with details about how to set it up at home. It is important, however, to make sure the device is activated and working.
For parents who are looking to purchase a new device for 2025, please take the time to consider the options available through the LWT Purchase Portal www.clarehs.orderportal.com.au Though you may still choose to purchase from any retailer, the devices available for purchase through LWT, cover a range of prices, and have all been reviewed and considered suitable for use at CHS.
When making a decision, please consider the significance of the included 3-year warranty and on-site support, as well as access to a loan device which is only available with purchases made through LWT. Lenovo have released a new 3-year education warranty that covers 3 claims over 3 years for impact damage, liquid damage, and electrical surges, previously only covered by accidental damage insurance. For purchases through LWT, please refer to LWT portal for estimated shipping and delivery information.
If purchasing outside the portal, please also consider if the device requires insurance or check with your home insurer if the device is covered at school. Unfortunately, accidents happen and can be expensive to repair.
When preparing for school consider the case you will keep your device in. Hard sided, well-padded cases offer better protection to your device than a slipcover style case. A sturdy case will keep your device safe when moving between lessons or traveling to and from school.
Please Note that since 2021, Apple Devices (including MacBook) are not acceptable as a BYOT device and will not be connected to the school network.
For new device setup information please see the New Device Setup information on our website. This information is also attached at the end of this letter.
For current and returning device holiday maintenance please select the following link: Holiday Maintenance for Existing Devices information on our website. This information is also attached at the end of this letter
For all IT questions and queries IT staff can be contacted directly by emailing clarehs.ictadmin@schools.sa.edu.au.
Student Timetables will be available on Daymap in Week 0 (Monday, 20th January).
We wish you all a fantastic holiday break with your families and look forward to working with you all in 2025.
Please contact Katie Liebelt if you have any queries.