Our aim is to foster and develop the skills to learn, grow and succeed in the 21st century.
Clare High School has been running a Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) program for a number of years.
Windows Operating System
All new student devices must operate using Windows. New Apple devices are not acceptable.
Read the BYOT Brochure
Please read the BYOT Brochure and BYOT FAQ for further details about the program.
Setup Information for New BYOT Devices
Please read the New BYOT Devices Setup brochure for further details.
Maintenance Information for existing BYOT Devices
Please read the Maintenance for Existing BYOT Devices brochure for further details.
It is a priority for us that our students are actively using technology to assist and advance their learning, and that they are able to continue to do this beyond the walls of the classroom.
To assist families in providing options on what device to purchase, we have established a relationship with Learning With Technologies (LWT) where they provide extended warranty and on-site repairs to devices purchased through their company. We have selected some suitable devices from a range of price points that are all suitable in our school environment. View the BYOT purchase portal to see the devices available or make a purchase.
LWT Devices
We strongly advise that the most suitable devices for use at CHS are those that can be purchased through LWT. If a device is purchased through another retailer, please be aware of the minimum hardware requirements that we suggest are necessary to run in a school environment.
Note on Low-Cost Devices
Please note – whilst a low price (around $300 – $400) can be appealing, be aware that many devices at this price do not have sufficient power or storage to allow us to install or operate some required software. Such devices may only meet some of the minimum hardware requirements outlined above.
Please contact the IT Department if you would like more information: clarehs.ictadmin@schools.sa.edu.au