Exciting and Enriching Experiences Beyond the Classroom

Camps and Tours

Meidai High School students from Tokyo, Japan

Snow Tour

From 2019, the Snow Tour will occur during the July school holiday period.

Year 10 students have the opportunity to attend this event at Falls Creek and experience the wonder and challenges of an alpine environment.

The tour extends for five nights and students get four days on the snow.

At Falls Creek, students learn how to ski or snowboard in a safe and controlled environment with professional snow sports instructors and also get to enjoy some free time on the slopes.



Other Camps
Additionally, various camps are run specific to year levels. Information pertaining to these can be found on the various pages under the Teaching & Learning menu.

A Clare High School contingent has been visiting Cambodia since 2013.

We visited again in 2014 and the tour now runs every two years.

Students in Years 10 – 12 are eligible to attend, and applicants go through a selection process that includes a written application with referees as well as an interview. The travelling party usually consists of 14 students and six adults (including four community members).

The aim of the trip is to raise the awareness of our students to the conditions which people in less developed countries live, and also to help them develop some independence skills.

All students get an opportunity to interact with the local Cambodian people and help students in Cambodia to increase their skills in the English language.

Whilst in Cambodia, the group spends two weeks in Siem Reap, with time divided between two main activities – being in a local school and building a house and toilet for a family in need. Weekend time is spent learning about the country’s history and doing some tourist activities.

Meidai Visit
Clare High School has hosted a delegation of Meidai High School students from Tokyo, Japan, since 2001.

The Japanese students visit at the beginning of Term 3 and stay with local families for two weeks, using the time in Australia to improve their English language skills and develop their understanding of Australian culture. In return, our students also benefit by improving their ability to assist others and gaining experience of Japanese culture.

The Japanese students are immersed in life at Clare High School and attend lessons at school, focusing on learning conversational English, while also experiencing what Australian schools have to offer in subjects such as Home Economics, Physical Education, Art and Australian History.

Outside of the classroom, students enjoy excursions to local tourist attractions and also get to meet some Australian wildlife in a visit to the Adelaide Hills.