2025 Subject Selection Timeline & Resources

Kylie Alozie

Deputy Principal

If you have any questions or need more information about our subject selection, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our dedicated leaders are more than happy to assist you and provide any additional details you may need.

2025 Subject Selection Timeline & Resources

Subject Selection Timeline, Term 3

Week 3 – Careers Expo and Immersion Activities (Year 9-10)

Students explore diverse career pathways in a range of workshops and information sessions. There are opportunities to speak with local business providers, TAFE and Universities about future career pathways.

Week 5 – Subject Information Sessions for curriculum guide exploration (Year 8-11)

Year level meetings held where Curriculum coordinators explore elective options with students and outline processes for next year subject selections.

Week 6 – Senior Success Night: Navigating SACE and VET Pathways

Gain an understanding of how SACE works, career pathways and opportunities at Clare High School.

Week 7/8 – Course Counselling Interviews

Book a time to meet 1:1 with a Curriculum Coordinator to discuss options, as well as complete a Course Card prior to entering CHS Web Preferences.

Week 8 – Friday Web Preferences

Students are provided with a unique access code and password to log into the CHS online Subject Preferencing website to select their elective subjects.

Students will submit their subject selections using the online platform, www.selectmysubjects.com.au/student, by the end of Friday Week 8.

Course Cards

Course cards are a supporting resource to guide students through subject selections, outlining the pattern of subjects at each year level and the elective subjects that are available.

Students should use the course card to make notes and plan for their selections at Course Counselling Interviews and take home to facilitate discussions with their family.

When students have decided upon their elective subjects, they will enter their final decisions into the online platform at the conclusion of Week 8.