Our aim is to foster and develop the skills to learn, grow and succeed in the 21st century.
Week 3 – Careers Expo and Immersion Activities (Year 9-10)
Students explore diverse career pathways in a range of workshops and information sessions. There are opportunities to speak with local business providers, TAFE and Universities about future career pathways.
Week 5 – Subject Information Sessions for curriculum guide exploration (Year 8-11)
Year level meetings held where Curriculum coordinators explore elective options with students and outline processes for next year subject selections.
Week 6 – Senior Success Night: Navigating SACE and VET Pathways
Gain an understanding of how SACE works, career pathways and opportunities at Clare High School.
Week 7/8 – Course Counselling Interviews
Book a time to meet 1:1 with a Curriculum Coordinator to discuss options, as well as complete a Course Card prior to entering CHS Web Preferences.
Week 8 – Friday Web Preferences
Students are provided with a unique access code and password to log into the CHS online Subject Preferencing website to select their elective subjects.
Students will submit their subject selections using the online platform, www.selectmysubjects.com.au/student, by the end of Friday Week 8.