
Justin Lodge

Mathematics Coordinator

If you have any questions or need more information about our Mathematics offerings, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our dedicated leaders are more than happy to assist you and provide any additional details you may need.

Clare High School Mathematics

At Clare High School, the Mathematics program is designed to cater to a wide range of student abilities and interests, spanning from Year 9 through Stage 2 of the SACE.

In Year 9, students can choose between a full-year Mathematics course covering fundamental concepts and a Semester-long Specialist Mathematics course that delves into advanced topics.

The Year 10 curriculum offers similar options, with a standard Mathematics course and an extended Specialist Mathematics course.

For Stage 1, students have the choice of Specialist Mathematics, Mathematics, General Mathematics, or Essential Mathematics, each focusing on different aspects of mathematical theory and application. Specialist Mathematics and Mathematical Methods are more advanced courses that prepare students for tertiary studies in fields requiring strong mathematical skills, while General Mathematics and Essential Mathematics focus on practical problem-solving skills for various career pathways.

Assessment across all levels includes skills and applications tasks, investigations, and examinations, with students needing to purchase a scientific or graphics calculator depending on the course.

Mathematics Pathway

Subject Offerings