Rite Journey

Katie Liebelt

Middle Secondary Coordinator

If you have any questions or need more information about The Rite Journey program, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our dedicated leaders are more than happy to assist you and provide any additional details you may need.

Clare High School - The Rite Journey

The Rite Journey at Clare High School, offered to Year 9 students over a semester, is a self-development program designed to guide students through their transition into adulthood.

It encourages reflection on personal experiences, beliefs, and the complex global environment to help students develop a strong sense of identity.

The program explores issues related to consciousness, connection, and challenge, and is delivered in single-gender classes to foster an inclusive environment that respects individual spiritual and cultural identities.

Emphasizing the development of Respectful, Responsible, and Resilient young people, students engage in personal reflection through journaling and mentor interactions, with formal feedback provided on their behavior, engagement, and growth.

The course culminates in a final presentation assessed against Australian Curriculum standards, with additional charges for consumables and camp fees.

Subject Offerings