To strengthen and support the school

Clare High School Governing Council

The Clare High School Governing Council’s role is to provide a link between the school community and the school principal, staff, and students to strengthen and support the functioning and performance of the school. It meets twice a term to achieve this.

2025 Governing Council Members

  • Kelly Hilton, Parent Representative/Chairperson
  • Trish Byerlee, Parent Representative/Secretary
  • Ruth Gielis, Parent Representative/Treasurer
  • Tim Davies, Parent Representative/Vice Chair
  • Penny Pratt, Community Member
  • Ben Marx, Parent Representative
  • Richard Becker, Parent Representative/Grounds & Facilities 
  • Jess Smith, Parent Representative/Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) 
  • Natasha Dunn, Principal
  • Shannon Upton and Bree Mensforth Teaching Staff Representatives
  • Alice McMurray and Imogen Nitschke, Student Representative Council – Head Prefects

Key Roles of the Governing Council

  • School Canteen Oversight:
    Provide broad oversight of the school canteen.

  • Strategic Direction and Vision:
    Consult with the school community to assist with setting the strategic direction and vision for the school, and in the development and review of school policies.

  • Budget and Financial Management:
    Review, approve, and monitor the school’s budget and set the annual material and services charge.

  • Policy Documents:
    Review and endorse the school’s annual report and other policy documents.

Current Activities of the Governing Council

  • Site Improvements:
    Ongoing site improvements.

  • Strategic Planning:
    Finalization and implementation of the 5-year whole-school strategic plan.

  • Safety Improvements:
    Improving the safety of Blyth Road School Crossing, school pathway access, and student drop-off zones.

  • Positive Behaviour for Learning Review:
    Implementation process for Positive Behaviour for Learning Review.

  • Agriculture & Viticulture Committee

Community Involvement

The Governing Council welcomes input and feedback from the school community and encourages parents and caregivers to become involved with the council, its committees, and activities.

GC School Values Award (introduced in 2024)

In 2024, the Clare High School (CHS) Governing Council (GC) introduced the new Student Values Award, replacing the previous Student Volunteer Award. This change was made to eliminate any potential conflict with the Penny Pratt Student Volunteer Award.

The Student Values Award is a perpetual award that recognises a CHS student who has made numerous significant positive contributions to the life of CHS and, actively models the school’s values of Growth, Respect and Inclusion. 

Previous Winners:
2024 – Amayah Pudney & Issy Bammann


GC Student Volunteer Award (2020 – 2023)

The Governing Council presented a perpetual Student Volunteer Award each year. The award was instigated in 2019 and aimed to highlight the importance of volunteers in the life of our community and the difficulty in filling committees across the district, including sports, community and governing councils. 

Previous Winners:
2020 – Matt Holland
2021 – Ruby Naughton & Gemma Schultz
2022 – Taleah Wilkins
2023  Ella Smith