Inclusive Education

Bek Holland

Inclusive Education Coordinator

Clare High School - Inclusive Education

Tiered Support

At Clare High Secondary School we use evidence-based approaches to supporting the learning needs of all students, using a multi-tiered system of support across wellbeing, teaching and learning, and behaviour and engagement. This approach ensures students needs are addressed at the level they require, which may include strong foundational interventions and supports to ensure students develop the skills and confidence they need early on in their secondary schooling.
Our current approaches to inclusive education and supporting the learning needs of students are outlined below:

Tier 1 – Good for all

  • Developing common approaches to teaching literacy strategies across subjects 
  • Explicit teaching of literacy, numeracy and subject-specific skills in all subject areas
  • Whole school professional development on the creation and use of One Plans and Student Adjustment Guides to support teachers make appropriate adjustments needed for students
  • Whole school professional development on adjustments and supports for students with a diagnosed disability (ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Specific Learning Difficulties, Language Disorder etc)
  • Training and development for teachers and student support officers (SSO) in using digital technologies that support students with additional needs, such as text to voice and voice to text.
  • Review of Task Sheets to make them clearer for students to follow, as well as making them easier for parents and caregivers to offer support at home

Tier 2 – Necessary for some

  • Year 10 Essential Maths classes
  • Year 11 and 12 Essential English and Maths classes
  • Team around the child meetings to ensure that all teachers have the same information about the learning needs of identified students
  • Homework Club

Tier 3 – Essential for a few

  • Small group intervention programs in numeracy and literacy (Year 7 – 10, based on needs identified through NAPLAN, PAT-R, PAT-N, reports and teacher/leader referrals)
  • Small group withdrawal for students to work with an SSO outside of the classroom (based on needs identified through NAPLAN, PAT-R, PAT-N, reports and teacher/leader referrals)
  • Referrals to the Department for Education’s Student Support Services team