Empowering Student Leadership for a Better School Community

Student Council

2021 Student Representative Council

Our Vision

To make Clare High School a place we want to be, rather than a place we have to be.

SRC Members dedicate their time to six committees, whose goals align with the overall vision of the SRC.

To promote engagement and inclusivity in assemblies.

To raise awareness around the issue of excess waste in our school and focus on how we as a school can become more eco-friendly.

To boost culture and atmosphere by holding events that everyone will get involved in. Focusing on inclusion to hold events that will attract people of all interests.

To generate funds to assist with our ongoing projects to improve the school.

Grounds and Facilities:
To listen to student’s needs and fix issues that arise as soon as possible.

Publicity and Promotions:
To improve communication within our school and to the broader community in hopes to improve student participation.