Stage 2 Agricultural Production

Year: 12 (Stage 2) – Elective
Length: Full Year (20 SACE Credits)
Contact Person: Belinda Stringer

Recommended Background: Students need to have passed Year 10 Agriculture and/or Stage 1 Agriculture

Content: Students will manage a group of Merino Wethers as part of the SA Merino – School Wethers competition. They will also carry out at least one cropping trial, learn about Biosecurity in Australian Agriculture, Science and its impact on Agriculture, Paddock surveys and cropping programs, selling livestock and animal management.

Assessment: Students are assessed using the SACE Performance Standards. Students demonstrate evidence of their learning through the following assessment types:

Students will complete a total of 6 assignments; 3 Agricultural Reports, 3 Applications tasks, 1 Production Investigation (Externally assessed)

Additional Charges: A consumables/excursion fee may apply to this subject in addition to the Clare High School Materials and Service Charges.

Students will be involved in the Royal Adelaide Show School Wethers Competition. An additional cost may apply for accommodation if students choose to stay in Adelaide. As a group, the students will choose to either purchase a show uniform or borrow the school show vests.

Year 12 - Stage 2
Study Line