Stage 2 Music Performance: Solo & Ensemble

Year: 12 (Stage 2) – Elective
Length: Full Year (20 SACE Credits)
Contact Person: Trudy Hart

Overview: The current Stage 2 Music subjects on offer are Music Performance Solo and Music Performance Ensemble and they run concurrently. Students WILL BE REQUIRED to engage in private or
DE Instrumental Music Program music lessons in conjunction with this course on
an instrument of their choice and attend and perform in public performances as
part of their practical assessment.  

Solo Performance – Students are expected to demonstrate accuracy, musical skills, and technique as a solo performer, present a contrasting repertoire, demonstrate personal musicianship through sensitive performances while engaging a public audience. There are three assessments throughout the year; two school-based assessments and a final externally assessed performance. All performances must be to a live audience and recorded for SACE submission. A total of 18-20 minutes’ work in total for the year is required. 

Assessment: Students are assessed using the SACE Performance Standards. Students demonstrate evidence of their learning through the following assessment types: 

Both Solo and Ensemble will need their own set of assessment tasks. 

  • Assessment Type 1: Performance
  • Assessment Type 2: Performance and Discussion
  • Assessment Type 3: Performance Portfolio

Additional Charges: A consumables / excursion fee may apply to this subject in addition to the Clare High School Materials and Service Charges.

Year 12 - Stage 2
Study Line