Stage 2 Physics

Year: 12 (Stage 2) – Elective
Length: Full Year (20 SACE Credits)
Contact Person: Justin Lodge

Recommended Background: Students are required to have successfully completed a full year of Physics at Stage 1 (both Physics A and B) and be enrolled in Stage 2 General Mathematics or Mathematical Methods.

Content: Students continue to develop their understanding of matter, forces and energy and the interactions among them. They engage in learning through various contexts, both theoretical and practical. There is emphasis on the three strands of science: science understanding, science inquiry skills and science as a human endeavour. Students are exposed to applications of Physics in practical demonstrations and collaborative class investigations.

Stage 2 Physics builds on and extends the learning from Stage 1.

Throughout this course, the following topics will be covered:

  • Topic 1: Motion and relativity.
  • Topic 2: Electricity and magnetism.
  • Topic 3: Light and atoms.

Assessment: Students are assessed using the SACE Performance Standards. Students demonstrate evidence of their learning through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Investigations Folio (30% – at least two practical investigations and one investigation with a focus on science as a human endeavour).
  • Assessment Type 2: Skills and Applications Task (40% – at least three).
  • Assessment Type 3: Examination (30%).

Additional Charges: A fee applies to participate in this subject in addition to the CHS Materials and Service charges.

This fee is for purchasing a Physics Workbook / Textbook and approximate cost is $55.00.

Purchase of a Stage 2 Physics Revision Guide is highly recommended and approximate cost is $33.00.

Year 12 - Stage 2
Study Line