SACE Stage 2 Drama

Year: 12 (Stage 2) – Elective
Length: Full Year (20 SACE Credits)
Contact Person: Phillip Parslow

Recommended Background: Although not compulsory, study of Stage 1 Drama would be beneficial.

Content: Drama is a dynamic subject. It utilises collaborative processes that involve intuition and analysis, exploring diverse world and cultural perspectives in the development of performance works for different audiences. Students acquire the skills and understanding to generate creative and imaginative solutions to the challenge of staging theatrical works. Drama values the exploration of all forms of learning, integrating the creative with the physical and the intellectual. Students analyse texts and other materials, performances, and their own learning. As students experience diverse perspectives and challenge their own imaginations, they have the opportunity to develop confidence in their own ideas, empathy, critical and creative thinking and team work.

Assessment: Students are assessed using the SACE Performance Standards. Students demonstrate evidence of their learning through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Group Production Assessment
  • Assessment Type 2: Evaluation and Creativity Assessment
  • Assessment Type 3: Creative Presentation

Additional Charges: A fee applies to participate in this subject in addition to the CHS Materials and Service charges. This fee is for Performance Excursion and Performance Materials and approximate cost is $100.

Year 12 - Stage 2
Study Line