SACE Stage 2 Language Studies: Open Access

Year: 9-12 – Elective
Length: Semester 1 and/or Semester 2
Contact Person: Karen Slattery

Open Access Overview:

In the event that a student seeks to undertake a subject that is not offered at CHS, there are alternative options. It may be the case that, CHS are unable to offer face to face instruction for a subject due to; student numbers, resources, timetabling or staffing.

If a student wishes to undertake a subject externally, they are able to utilise the Open Access College (Dept. of Ed) through online lesson platforms, these are provided by teachers at the Open Access College – Marden Campus. Studying via Open Access is possible for both Australian Curriculum and SACE subjects.

For example, a CHS may wish to undertake an Open Access subject that is not offered at CHS if it is a pre-requisite subject that forms part of their further education/career pathway. Or perhaps it is a Language that is not offered at CHS, e.g. Spanish.

The process of undertaking an Open Access subject can be negotiated with Curriculum and SACE Coordinators, the Open Access Coordinator and the CHS Leadership team.

While students are enrolled in Open Access subjects, CHS continues to support students and their educational journey. CHS provides a private study space for students to undertake their online lessons, headphones, test and exam supervision throughout the duration of the course, liaising with Open Access teachers, and the provision of ongoing IT technical support as needed.

Students and families are advised that the Open Access College charges their own enrolment fees (semester or full year based) for all of their subjects, and this fee is passed on to students/families who have elected to undertake this form of study.

Year 12 - Stage 2
Study Line