SACE Stage 2 Material Products: Textiles (Home Ec.)

Year: 12 (Stage 2) – Elective
Length: Semester (20 SACE Credits)
Contact Person: Lea Hooper

Recommended Background: Although not compulsory, it is advisable that students have some background by undertaking at least one Year 10 Home Economics subject previously.

Content: In Design, Technology and Engineering students us the design and realisation process to engineer solutions for the development of products or systems. In this course it is using textiles.


  • Learn to create a design brief that provides that provides the basis for the development of potential solutions to design problems.
  • Review design features, processes, materials and production techniques to assist with the realisation of the solution. A solution in this subject is an outcome of the design and realisation process in relation to the chosen context.
  • Analyse influences on a product or system including ethical, legal, economic, and/or sustainability issues.
  • Consider the practical implication of these issues on society or design solutions.
  • Use new and evolving technologies
  • Apply appropriate skills, processes, procedures and techniques whilst implementing safe work practices in the creation of the solution.
  • Use a range of manufacturing technologies, machines and systems to design and
  • create fashion solutions with material textiles.
  • Examine the factors that influence choices on individuals, families and communities.
  • Negotiate to create and construct articles/garments.

Assessment: Students are assessed using the SACE Performance Standards. Students demonstrate evidence of their learning through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Specialised Skills Task
  • Assessment Type 2: Design Process and Solution

Additional Charges: Additional to the CHS Materials and Services charges, students are required to purchase their own materials for their textiles tasks.

A limited class size applies to this subject.

Year 12 - Stage 2
Study Line