The Sciences

Justin Lodge

The Sciences Coordinator

If you have any questions or need more information about our Science offerings, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our dedicated leaders are more than happy to assist you and provide any additional details you may need.

Clare High School The Sciences

Clare High School offers a comprehensive science curriculum spanning multiple disciplines, catering to various interests and academic levels.

The Agricultural Studies program introduces students to farm safety, animal husbandry, and crop management from Year 7 through to Stage 2. This program emphasizes practical experience with livestock and crops, including advanced topics like viticulture and fiber production.

In the general science curriculum, students in Years 9 and 10 explore core areas such as biological, chemical, physical, and earth sciences, with hands-on experiments and theoretical studies preparing them for Stage 1 and 2 courses.

Stage 1 and 2 courses, including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Psychology, build on these foundations with more specialized content and rigorous assessments. These courses prepare students for advanced scientific studies or careers by developing their inquiry skills, scientific understanding, and practical abilities.

The Sciences Pathway

Subject Offerings