Year 10 English

Year: 10 – Compulsory
Length: Full Year
Contact Person: Karen Slattery

Content: English is a compulsory subject that is studied for a full year. The English curriculum is built around the three interrelated strands of language, literature and literacy. Together, the strands focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating.
Each term, students will have the opportunity to select from a range of themed units, for example: Crime Fiction, Sport, Media, Reality TV, War, Documentaries, Australian Culture, Horror, Heroes and Villains. Students will study a range of texts that include: novels, short stories, poetry, plays, films, multimedia texts and everyday texts. They will continually develop their ICT skills and engage in text analysis studies and activities. Students demonstrate, present and applying their knowledge and understanding in various ways. Explicit literacy skills are embedded and underpin all topics covered, such as:

  • Vignettes, narratives and short stories.
  • Expository writing and speaking.
  • Text analysis and essay writing.
  • Critical reading and questioning.
  • Media analysis.
  • Creative thinking and application.
  • Drama texts.
  • Comparative text response.
  • Focus on WW1 text links.
  • Referencing and Bibliographies.

Core Texts: Romeo and Juliet, Deadly Unna, Crime Fiction, Sherlock Holmes, Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies, The Turning.

Assessment: Students are assessed using the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standard.

Year 10
MathematicsThe SciencesEnglishHumanitiesHumanitiesHealth and Physical Education
SACE Compulsory Subjects