Year 10 Youth Opportunities

Year: 10 – Elective
Length: Term (10 SACE Credits)
Contact Person: Kylie Alozie

Content: Youth Opportunities teaches skills in personal leadership and encourages students to take control of their own lives. The program revolves around 4 Big Decisions; Decide to be Happy, Decide to Goal Plan, Decide to Send Stars, and Decide to Grow. Through this practical thinking framework, students are able to develop purpose and create motivational habits to succeed at school, home, work, and socially both now and in the future.

Students are invited to apply for a position in the Personal Leadership Program. With the support of two trained facilitators, the 60 hour program is delivered to year 10 students, one day a week for 10 weeks. Students engage through group discussion, video, self-reflection, goal planning and personalised coaching. By adopting the program principles young people learn the skills to make positive choices and as a result are more motivated in school, confident in themselves and able to tackle life’s challenges.

This program ensures young people don’t just cope, they thrive.

Assessment: Students are assessed using the SACE Performance Standards in Integrated Learning. Students demonstrate evidence of their learning through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Practical Exploration 60% (3 tasks)
  • Assessment Type 2: Connections 20% (1 task)
  • Assessment Type 3: Personal Venture 20% (1 task)
Year 10
MathematicsThe SciencesEnglishHumanitiesHumanitiesHealth and Physical Education
SACE Compulsory Subjects