Year 9 Specialist Mathematics

Year: 9 – Elective
Length: Semester
Contact Person: Justin Lodge

Content: Specialist Mathematics runs concurrently and in addition to Year 9 Mathematics and allows students to extend their mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding to topics and concepts linked to, but not explicitly included in, the Year 9 Australian Curriculum. Some content from the 10A curriculum may also be incorporated. 

Students will further develop their mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding of a range of concepts chosen by the teacher at the beginning of this course. Students are given opportunities to demonstrate mathematical understanding, fluency, problem-solving and reasoning in their assessments. 

Chosen topics will be drawn from the following options: 

Number & Algebra

  • Real Numbers 
  • Patterns and algebra 
  • Linear and non-linear relationships 

Measurement and Geometry 

  • Using units of measurement 
  • Geometric reasoning 
  • Pythagoras and trigonometry 

Statistics and Probability 

  • Chance 
  • Data representation and interpretation 

Assessment: Students are assessed against a set of standards developed by the teacher, reflective of the concepts taught. 

Additional Charges: Students will be required to purchase a Scientific Calculator and Pearson’s Illustrated Maths Dictionary.